Jean Denton is a Founding Partner of IFS who has twenty years of experience working in the legislative arena, with a particular expertise in dealing with the appropriations process. Her work with a diverse group of clients brings a well-rounded knowledge of issues, which is extremely helpful in understanding and impacting the legislative process.
Ms. Denton served as Senior Legislative Assistant to Congressman Bill Lowery and was responsible for issues related to his assignment to the House Appropriations Committee. This first-hand knowledge of how the Appropriations Committee operates provides a vital link to developing strategy for pursuing federal funding. In addition, her Capitol Hill responsibilities included the District of Columbia Committee on which Congressman Lowery was the Ranking Republican on the Judiciary and Education Subcommittee. During the past twenty years while serving the private sector, Ms. Denton has broadened this experience by working on behalf of various interests including defense firms, municipalities, transit interests and a large public university.